Port Maurelle - Departure Preparations

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Wed 15 Jun 2011 08:02
Hi All,
A busy day getting ready to leave Tonga. This morning we cleared customs and immigration, took on fuel, and attempted to clear all of the completed work eails we have for the girl's school work. Unfortunately the latter was not achieved due to the slow internet sppeds n Vavau. never mind, will send it all on from Fiji when we get there.
This evenig we motored around to Port Maurelle to join the fleet for a Pot Luck dinner, predominantly provided by Stefan off "Meditterrano" courtesy of a large wahoo he caught on the way down. Enroute we had a smal incident where we bounced off a coarl head - I put it down to a combination of fatigue, inattention, complacency ad distraction. No real harm done, we just lost a bit of paint off the port side of the keel and rudder, and gave ourselves a bit of a fright. All in all a tmely reminder of the hazads of coral navigation. The annoying part is the I snorkeled on the bommie in question last week, so I know exactly where it is....
Tomorrow we will have an early (0530) start so that we can make the 160nm passage to Nuiatoputapu and arrive in good daylight.
Until tomorrow, TTFN