Smokehouse Bay

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Wed 9 Jun 2010 07:51
Dear All,
A reasonablly busy 48 hours, with a little bit of
everything. Yesterday we departed Smokehouse bay in the mornng after a session
of school and headed across to Port Fitzroy to do a bit of shopping and to top
up the water. We then looked for a suitable anchorage for the forecast southerly
blow and after a couple of hours motoring around settled on Wairahi Bay. This
turned out to be a good choice as we ended up with 40 knot winds overnight and
didn't move an inch.
This morning we had two good sessions of school.
After lunch we headed ashore to "Sven's" which is a working farm and where we
saw the process of distilling Manuka Oil. We then walked up the hill on the
farm, getting awesome views back towards Auckland and north to the porr knights
Islands. On the walk Grace found three good-sized lumps of Kauri Gum on the
track, which Sven kindly allowed the girls to keep.
After we returned to the boat, we up anchored and
headed back up to Smokehouse in the hope of getting internet coverage on the
vodaphone dongle. Unfortunately we will had to call no joy, so this entry is
live "via sattelite".
Tomorrow will be an early start to take advantage
of a developing northerly breeze to get us bac to Gulf Harbour.
Until tomorrow, TTFN