Plain Sailing and Sea Legs

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Mon 9 May 2011 06:34
Poistion at 1830 NZST: 30.23.4265S 177.50.7890E
Course 030 Speed 6.5 knots, wind ENE 12 knots.
We are making miles at last and have sent Yanni Yanmar to bed for a well earned rest after 36 hours of steady droning.
All onboard are well, Angus has got his sea legs, and the kids managed to bash out three and a half hours of "Avatar - the last Airbender" on DVD. Cate is also much better today and so we are actually eating proper meals again.
We are just settling in to the boring part of passagemaking, just reeling off the miles util we arrive at our destination.
Until tomorrow groovers