White Island

The Adventures of the Good Ship Equinox
Cate and Chris Galloway
Fri 31 Dec 2010 00:43
Position at 1600NZDT 37.31.567S
Hi All,
As luck would have it the weather window opened and
we got away at first light this morning, fortunately having done Tauranga to
death. Nice place, time to move.
The passage started out without much wind, but now
we are on a broad reach cruising at 6.5 knots towards East Cape (Hicks Bay)
where we should be dropping anchor just as the New Year ticks over. Might have a
wee scotch to celebrate...
Enroute we have just passed White Island, a still
active volcano which is a bit of a toursit mecca and quite spectacular. As we
passed the island we could see two helicopters and a large cruise boat. Ashore
on the isand there were quite a few people having toursin amongst the sulphur
and gas/steam clouds. Amazing, will post some photos when we are next in
internet coverage.
The plan is to remain at anchor in or about East
Cape until we get a favourable breeze, hopefully getting us to Gisborne sometime
on Sunday.
Weather is looking fine for the next few
Until tomrrow, Happy New year and