Rock rock til you stop

Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Sat 4 Dec 2021 21:20
36:5.466N 005:20.710W

It’s a significant headland
At 8pm we rounded the Rock of Gibraltar. Wind was really variable from 5kts to 20kts
Jeremy did an excellent refuelling job from the spare diesel tank into the main tank in the ley of the main rock .

The bay itself was full of shipping and so I needed my wits about me to steer, release the main in the gusts and look at the chart on the iPad.

The North African coast is really close . You can see why folks try and cross to Europe. For the past 2 days the coastguard have been broadcasting a boat with 5 people is adrift having set off from Ceuta on the North Africa side.

It’s a shame it’s dark but the weather can be awful here so I’m just glad it’s OK so far

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