Wooy I’m going to Ibiza
Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Tue 30 Nov 2021 04:05
Ibiza Town
Here I am sat in Ibiza waiting for my next sailing Adventure
I’m not on Purple Mist who is safely tucked away in Hamble but rather on a friends JPK 10.10 called Jangada.
Jangada needs to get to Lanzarote for its next race after having completed (and won 2H) the Rolex Middle sea race 2021. It was supposed to be shipped - that means craned onto ship and physically transported to Lanzarote. However the ship got cancelled... global shipping crisis and all that probably shipping plastic toys instead for Christmas...and plan B is now to sail under its own steam instead.
Richard and Bene left Malta on Tuesday and have battled fierce headwinds most of the way. Rather them than me I’ve thought as I watched the progress. I’ve been promised sunshine and downwind sailing from this point though I’ve packed thermals and midlayer in case I’ve been sold a story. The weather is looking ok though picks up to a westerly so getting out of the Gibraltar straits could be a bit heavy.
The plan is to sail over to the Spanish mainland and down the coast and try and avoid the worst of the westerlies. On the plus side there are plenty of ports of refuge and fuel and as we are not racing the engine is very much allowed.
We’ve been in Ibiza booking moorings, accommodation and an engineer to look at the engine which has developed an alarm at low revs. ...oh and doing a bit of eating and drinking as well of course ...last supper and all that before the hardship of life aboard a race boat.
Jangada is in its final hours and should make Ibiza 7am or so this morning. They have made pit stops in Sardinia and Mallorca to avoid the worst of the westerlies but it’s been a tough trip in places with rain and lightning.
Packing has had to be a bit minimal but fans will be reassured to hear there was a small corner for the penguins to climb aboard so they will be released once aboard the ship.
We have a satphone so I’m hoping to use this mailasail blog to update our progress as the book of face doesn’t work on sat phones as it’s too data heavy.