Purple Mist still rolling along
Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Sat 8 Jun 2019 20:50
Well what a perfect day this has turned out to be in the end. Downwind 20-24kts is a lot more friendly. Seas are rolling with us just gently picking up the stern and swooshing us down the waves. I’d love to try the A5 again as the wind is easing slightly but with gusts over 20kts we are playing safe.
As it’s been a tough 24hrs what with the storm last night and Bobby having a massive fight to get the A5 back on deck I decided it was time to roll out my sister-in-laws Christmas cake with a cup of coffee.
Other update I was going to give you is on wildlife. Really surprisingly little in this desolate ocean. I’ve seen 2 terns, about 3 of another bird I don’t know exactly but let’s say it might be a petrel. The only abundant creature is Portuguese man-o-war jellyfish. At first I thought they were little plastic bags then I saw the distinctive flat semi circle shape, like little sails. I think a dead one blew on deck it looked like a small piece of plastic which I was going to put in the rubbish but it was a bit stingy when I squashed it so threw it back into the sea.