Fade to Grey
Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Fri 21 Jun 2019 23:33
However light winds and heavy rain turned out to be the least of our worries . The wind was variable, there was 15kts at times so we were alternating between the S2, A5 and J2. At least the mended J2 was working well and showing no signs of further damage. We had the A5 up as the wind went dead behind and kept moving about so we poled out the tack and for a while all was looking good. The waves were collapsing the kite and we did have a small wrap which should have been the warning bell to either change course, hoist the Spinnaker net or take down the A5. Unfortunately for whatever reason we did none of those things and continued to sail quite far downwind with a wobbly A5
We’ve already established the A5 is the naughtiest sail on the boat and boy did she live up to that this afternoon . She wrapped herself in the forestay and the pole up rope and this time it was good and proper.
Last time she did this was Rorc Cervantes and we had to bail out and motor home. That is not really an option given our position so we wrestled for I don’t know how many hours in the pouring pouring rain to finally free it. The last part was so stuck to the forestay that I think it must have actually got trapped between the twisted wire.
It was with great relief all round that at 9:30pm we finally got it bundled back into its bag. Both us and the sail was absolutely soaking wet.
We were about to hoist the J2 when a massive 25kt squall hit so we went straight to the J4 and 2 reefs in the main. The wind then died but at 10pm we decide to take stock , have a bite to eat and just drift for an hour or two to recover
So if our track looked strange and our speed was slow it was partly light winds , partly the wrap from hell to sort out and partly us just recovering
Anyway wind is now a gentle 14kts from behind. We have gone to full main again but the little J4 is staying upfront at least for tonight. There are time on this race when we are racing and times when we are just playing safe and whilst it’s dark we are playing safe . Wind is forecast to increase and go West so we shall be ready. It is painful though not to have the right sail up.
Meanwhile no further wildlife spotted today, just the penguins moaning that they have had wet coats heaped on top of them .
On the bright side Ive just poked my head out and the sky has cleared and the stars are all out looking fabulous.