Speed. Where did it go ?

Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Fri 28 Jun 2019 06:40

So from Ais I can see that Polished Manx and Exehibitionist have come past. What happened? On Exehibitionist we knew they had a staysail (small jib) up and being a bigger boat we just figured there was little we could do until we felt comfortable the wind had died a bit, and it was light, to get the J4 back up again
Well seems Purple Mist had other ideas....she doesn’t like going slow....whether Bobby and I like it or not she wants to go fast .
Imagine my surprise when I popped my head out of the hatch to see she had broken free of the 3rd reef at the mast , it has either unravelled or the Dyneema has snapped. The sail was a very strange shape with a big bag in it no wonder we’ve only been doing 3kts .
Oh well in for a penny I decided best course of action from the cockpit was just move to reef 2. She loving it with the speed back up ....now to try and catch back Polished Manx.....again!