Well this is more like it
Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Thu 6 Jun 2019 07:32
The calm winds yesterday were a welcome relief. A chance to tidy up, put out the recycling (into the forpeak) , wipe up the cups of coffee and tea that went flying down the back of the stove and dry off some hats and gloves.
By evening though the light winds had become tedious, now we were anxious to get to the other side of the low to get the promised 20+ kt NW winds.....and here they are and we are flying along. Full main and reefed J2 at 110’ and we are hitting 10kts . Deb was right when she said this is ideal Sunfast conditions , let’s catch some boats ...yeeehaaah. We did have full J2 for a while but there was a lot of stress on the rig and I don’t want any accidents. Hopefully you will see the improvement on the YB tracker .
The clouds are spectacular, last night in the light wind we were actively seeking the squalls as we needed the wind versus the previous night where we were avoiding.
Other topics of interest, Ocean plastic . So far I’ve only seen one chunk of expanded foam. Nothing else floating. Wildlife is a bit scarce, a few gannets closer to France and a tern yesterday. Bobby has seen dolphins. I’m hoping to see Whales...just not too close.
Meanwhile another squall coming and it’s a biggy so better get back on the helm. I will leave you with a picture from yesterday of a little squall.
Update : winds now at 26kts so it’s back to the J4 !!! Thank you Rob for suggesting I needed that sail, you were so right.
PS: Rob you owe me dinner for saving your life !