Red sky in the morning
Purple Mist
Skipper: Kate Cope
Mon 24 Jun 2019 11:27
This morning we were treated to the most amazing sunrise, full of colours. I’m hoping the motto “Red sky in the morning , Shepard’s warning” doesn’t come true but afraid the forecast for Wednesday evening and Thursday is showing strong head winds.
As predicted the wind has gone south east so it now life at an angle for the rest of the trip. It’s warm and sunny though so no complaints . I hear we are up the 7th in class 2 which is great, I’m still on the hunt to get ahead of Polished Manx on Line honours but he remains stubbornly a couple of miles ahead.
Word has reached the boat that the penguin inclinometer is an internet sensation. The penguins would like it to be know they are proudly Australian hailing from the lovely Phillip island south of Melbourne. If you get the chance it’s well worth a visit to watch the Fairy penguins return to land at dusk to feed their chicks which live in burrows and boxes in the sand dunes.
For Solent sailors Phillip island has many town named after the Isle of Wight such as Cowes and Ventnor although the Koalas and wallabies remind you are not in the Uk.