12th Day

Ile Jeudi
Bob and Lin Griffiths
Sat 9 Mar 2013 15:46
11:53.65N  47:36.46W
Saturday 9 March 2013 at 1200 UTC
Distance Run last 24 hrs 128 nm
Distance Run since start  1414 nm
Distance to go 711 nm 
The wind went very light in the night and we ran the engine until mid morning today.  We're under full sail now trundling along at about 4-5 knots in 13-15 knots of wind in vaguely the right direction.  It's nice and sunny and the sea has gone a little flatter during the day.  It wasn't 'rough' before but there had been enough to empty the wind from the sails.
We were visited by a few dolphins about an hour ago and, whilst this was very brief again it is always welcome.
For anyone reading this who sails we thought we would mention a couple of simple things which have helped in the galley when the boat is rolling:-
There are clear non-stick mats everywhere which is normal.  We put an elastic cord along a cupboard door which restrains some of the taller items when working in the galley.  This also helps when pouring hot water into things as you can hold on with one hand and pour with the other without wishing you had a third hand to hold the jug. 
The boat is full of large, plastic crates for general storage which fold away to virtually nothing when not in use.  Lin found some smaller ones which we bought for something else.  As you can see we now use one of these smaller ones in the galley because it stops round items rolling around the work surface.  There are a couple of water glasses in there as well.  We also use the 'crate' at the cockpit table because it is tall enough to restrain everything.  If this is all a bit obvious then apologies for frustrating you!  But the elastic and small crate have made a massive difference to logistics in the galley and is so simple and frees up your hands.
To Ian and Judith, if you don't already do this and don't have a similar crate or box - these came from Carrefour in the Canaries.