10th Day

Ile Jeudi
Bob and Lin Griffiths
Thu 7 Mar 2013 14:27
12:24.23N  43:15.84W
Thursday 7 March 2013 at 1200 UTC
Distance Run last 24 hrs 127 nm
Distance Run since start  1157 nm
Distance to go 961 nm 
Well we passed the half way mark yesterday evening and it's good to see the Distance to go falling below 1000 nm.  Sleep was better for both of us yesterday and last night.
The wind has stayed in the 12 to 19 knot range so Simon had done a good job.  He arranged a bit more sun as well.  There is some increased squall activity coming in a couple of days though so he might lose some brownie points there.
We are still in contact by email with some other boats, some who left a week before us and we are all, except one, trying to stay south of the direct route to avoid a wind hole in a couple of days.  It will be interesting to see how the more direct boat gets on.  We hear 'Sloop John B' has damaged a spinnaker apparently but otherwise all is well on board with them.
We're both in shorts at the moment and down to two layers at night.
Lin saw a spectacular sunrise this morning but as usual it's hard to capture on camera:-