11th Day

Ile Jeudi
Bob and Lin Griffiths
Fri 8 Mar 2013 13:31
12:05.66N  45:26.47W
Friday 8 March 2013 at 1200 UTC
Distance Run last 24 hrs 129 nm
Distance Run since start  1286 nm
Distance to go 836 nm 
Fast sailing yesterday and Lin has been happily reading her Kindle during the day.  We reluctantly reefed down overnight because of an expected increase in squall activity which slowed things down a bit but better for the off watch crew. 
A couple of dolphins appeared off the bow at around 8 in the evening, one did a couple of belly flops, and they left soon after.  I think we were going too slowly to keep them interested.  Lin saw a tanker early this morning - about 5 miles away according to the AIS.  The first ship sighting in 5 days.
Lin caught me blogging and getting Simon's weather.  Note the shorts - yeehaaa:-