5th Day - Heading West
Ile Jeudi
Bob and Lin Griffiths
Sat 2 Mar 2013 13:28
12:27.79N 32:32.00W
Saturday 2 March 2013 at 1200
Distance Run last 24 hrs 118 nm
Distance Run since start 535
Distance to go 1589 nm
At about 5pm UTC yesterday we reached the area where the wind started to
fill in and it's direction backed from ENE to NE. We were then
heading almost due south so we gybed over on to starboard tack and headed
almost due west. On the new tack we had kind seas for a few hours but
these got lumpier (technical term) as we progressed west. We were starting
to experience some large northerly swell in addition to the wind driven waves
from the NE.
With the increased wind and cloud came cooler temperatures so we were back
to wearing 3 layers when on deck overnight.
The wind is about 15 to 20 knots at the moment which is the wind range we
like and we hope for calmer seas over the next day or so.
We had updates about the other two yachts (Sloop John B and Kwispel)
overnight who are both fine and to the north and west of us.
Bye for now.
Bob |