Riaus and South China Sea

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 3 Mar 2015 22:20
01:24.86S 106:10.60E
2105z 03/03
Easy night motor out
of Johor Strait and across the shipping lane then down Durian Straight along the
west side of the Riau Islands. Cut through the dramatic Selat Lima in the
southern Riaus through to the South China Sea where the wind was blowing from
the N at 12kn, as forecast, so up with all sails to jump straight to pleasant
9+kn reach towards Billiton Island. Wind eased now overnight so may be engine
time again soon...
Many final jobs
completed today, anotrher day or two to get fully prepared while the water still
mostly calm before getting out into the ocean swells. The most important job
naturally was fitting the rod holder. 2 spanish makerals hooked - one a very
commendable size, but both lost during the lift from the water. The biggest
breaking off the hook in the process so only big mother marlin style line and
trackle being used form now on!
Forecast for lighter
but favourable winds tomorrow which should be ideal for shaking out our new kite
as we approach Billiton and the Java Sea.