Depart for Myanmar

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 15 May 2013 23:43
16/5 0600LT
Got rebuilt alternator installed just on dusk yesterday, final swim and
dinner at anchor, then took off around 8pm for our final leg up to
Yangon. A slow motor around S end of Phuket to "break in" the
alternator. Prelim test it output 110Amp - which it is rated to, but
I've seen them do this before - but then output stopped and engine room
filled with acrid smoke. Shutdown and rethink time... after letting cool
down and triple checking all connections went for test 2. Seemd better,
slight smoke but still acrid. Anyway after a few hours of running at low
revs it seemed to have burnt itself in and working well. Big test once
high current usage watermaker put back into service...
Otherwise, gentle winds just fwd of beam overnight allowed some motor
sailing but mostly too light to be useful. Just before sunrise the wind
went more S and picked up a few knots, mostly aligned now with
yesterdays GRIB forecast.
Sailing at 6kn in 8kn WSW with genny and mizzen up. When some deckies
awake we'll shake out a bit more, currently good angle for the monkey
and big drifter jib ...