Approaching Halfway

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Thu 8 Sep 2011 04:06
04°16.1166S 110°58.998E
Thu 0700
Good and not
so good progress last 24 hrs. Perfect sailing conditions Wed afternoon with 15kn
tail wind. Moved closer to Borneo south coast to hunt for stronger winds and
more favourable direction. Motor sailed back toward rhumbline overnight to line
up for the recommended track through the reefs and islands between Borneo and
Pulau Belitung (Billiton Island) which is the half-way
The usual El
Oro Scrabble tournament got underway yesterday with Ash and Kale fighting over
two matches to end the day slightly in Ash's favour with an overall 20 point
victory across the 2 games. Kale will try and claim back his
honour when we add more players to today's matches.. The odds are in
favour of a Captain Simon Victory after he mentions in reference
to the scoring average of Ash and Kale (200 points) that 300 points
is a standard, average score for scrabble.
Having caught no fish, except the small Mahi Mahi
that got free on the first day. The role of ships cook last night was filled by
Ash and Kale, knocking together steak sandwiches with a side of 'mushed'
Sunburn took
it's toll yesterday leaving Clara, Kale and Ash red, sore and tired and an early
night and late wake up this morning was in order leaving the crew refreshed and
ready to scrub the decks and do some polishing