
08°54.5266S 116°16.703E
The 2 Nicks onboard
were over the side and surfing before sunrise on this break now coined
A surf around the E
headland at "Steves Spot" which is a long Duck ride from the anchorage around
the headland to a spectacular deserted beach break.
Quick afternoon surf
on the dying swell at nick nicks we headed around to our magic anchorage just
inside the W headland at Kuta for the night.
Nick went and played
with the locals at the Kuta break while the rest lounged onboard continuing
their recovery from the hard core first day.
Steve and all guests
went into Kuta for dinner at a new restaurant started by a local mate of Steves.
They were apparently a little suss as to the freshness and hygienic value of the
food when it was discovered that there was only warm beer - if no refrigeration
for beer, then what of the food? Well all but Steve had fish, which stood best
chance of being fresh as it is caught daily.