
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:35
03:39.56S 111:36.78E
0555z 10/02
Winds more or less
as expected yesterday and last night as we motored, motor-sailed and
occasionally sailed W along the Borneo Sth Coast. Mostly head winds around
10-12kn with a shift every now and then that allows us to pull out a sail. A few
thunderstorms late yesterday had us testing our new water maker (tarp, bucket
and hose) but the squalls never lasted long enough for us to get more than a few
kettle's worth of top-ups. Main water tanks are almost out so a good fill from a
squall is much desired before we turn completely onto our bottled water
A few teases on the
fishing rod yesterday with the first apparently being smaller than the lure, but
then I did witness quite a large strike but didn't hook unfortunately. I've
always had more fishing luck around the corner crossing the bottom part of teh
South Chine Sea, than here in the Java Sea, so hopefully we'll get our fresh
fish meals in a couple of days time.
Everyone quite
settled in now, and now that we're tucked up under the coastline there is no sea
to speak of so everyone's sea legs are firmly in place. A couple of the crew,
Bligh included, occasionally reappear on deck a bit green after spending time
below in a head or the Galley. Not too much to report otherwise. We're settled
into our watch cycles, eating well, being entertained by Bligh - when he's
awake - and enjoying the warm days and cooler nights.