Pulau Deudab

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 29 May 2012 08:44
Great sail
from Sabang to Pulau Deudab last evening, close hauled in 15kn trade winds.
Young Zach caught a small tuna just as we left the Sabang bay where the depth
drops from 40 to 650 metres in little more than a boat length! Motored last
couple of miles up to anchor in lee of island on E
Day break now
so head around to weather shore to check the Tadoh break... To wind blown and
swell not even enough so motoring a few miles to check other potentials but not
looking promising so will soon abandon hope of surf today- set sail and start
heading S the 180 miles to N end of Pulau Simeulue, and the start of the
Mentawai chain.