
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 9 Jul 2013 11:10
37:21.31N 023:28.00E

arrived mid afternoon to get a good park on the waterfront, and to "reserve" a
place for Terry who detoured for lunch and a swim in his boat (quickly becoming
known as "slow Boat").
is a very small and classic Greek Harbour with all sorts of entertainment value
at the end of the day when the hoards arrive and attempt their stern-to
manouvres. Terry and I ended up jumping onto several boats and backing them in
for the owners/charterers after the poor and potentially dangerous and
definately embarrasing attempts they had been making. Terry and I did quickly
discover that we could spend much time in Greece without ever having to pay for
a beer! More fun due in the morning as we did notice several crossed anchors
from teh reversing warriors...

One of
the best things about these Greek harbours is after tying up, stern-to the
town/village, we simply step off the back, take a few steps, sit in an extremely
genuine Greek restaurant, unspoilt by tourism, and order a cold beer and
bar-b-qued octopus.