Day 0

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 5 Oct 2011 09:52
Wed 5/10
Out for a few
hours now, what a promising start - 15-20kn broad reach, cruising under
shortened sail at 8-9 kn. A few rain squalls around but so far dodged them all.
Don't really need the reefs, but set them as more crew training/exercises. The
#2 staysail for the first time, and pulled full main up, but then shortened to
2nd reef for practice. Anyway, still making good progress and a very comfortable
Late night
last night with getting last of the "land" jobs finished, followed by an early
morning start to pre for the 1100nm passage means that now the 4 Burmese are
fast asleep. Evan, who has the 1800-0000 watch is at least sleeping officially
in his bunk, the others are sitting bolt upright in the cockpit - but out like
Maybe I should
call a MOB drill? Tempting....