Day 1

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Thu 6 Oct 2011 11:24
Thu 6/10
Great sailing,
no motoring so far. Lightish winds overnight but from a favourable direction off
the port quarter so steady progress with the full cutter-ketch rig - 2 mains and
2 jibs. Wind strengthened gradually through the day and veered slightly more to
the W as the GRIB's had predicted to a steady 12kn with occasional puffs up to
15kn, so had the asym kite set all afternoon and charged along at 8-10kn with
slight seas and sunny skies!
Overnight, the
wind changed a couple of times when it shifted to blow off the land once the
temp cooled down and the expected mild catabatic breeze overpowered the
prevailing westerlies. Evan, during his watch gybed all 4 sails on his own and
shook a reef out of the main. Not to be outdone, I also had to gybe all 4 sails
during my watch just before sunrise, shook out the final reef and also dropped
the staysail. Hard work single handed but does help to keep you
The other
Myanmar had a night to sleep, as (A) they hadn't quite got their sea legs back
yet and were a bit off colour, and (B) they'd had a late night our final night
in port finishing off the preps for this passage.
Mostly all
back to full strength today, Han Thaung varnished like a fiend while the
Sea Cadets, Win and Vickie, had plenty of steering practice with 2 hrs each at
the helm (Evan even remembered to turn off the autopilot this time for
settled back into sea life now, Han Thaung currently making pleasant smells in
the galley - looks like the famous Burmese Chicken Goulash El Oro is on the menu