Nias to Gili

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sat 9 Jun 2012 01:28
00:33.50041N 097:49.36428E
9/6 0815
Arrived in the small Port town Teluk Dalam, S Nias, yesterday afternoon. Authorities were swift to pluck me off the boat after anchoring and take me ashore to meet the Chief of Police. After they had a cursory look at the Ship's Papers and more detailed look through the passports (of which mine and Zac's still don't have an Immigration stamp as Sabang did not have VOA capabilities) the had a pleasant chat with me and let me on my way. By far, these were the nicest Indonesian officials I've dealt with, official but friendly without the slightest hint of corruption or any suggestion I give them money or whiskey! No Hbr Master here and no Immigration/Navy/Health/Customs, so being the highest, and only, authority in the land, my official business was done.
Scott and Ed meanwhile had gone ashore and organised a taxi for the morning to the airport, 2-3hrs and about 70km. They bargained successfully from the initial asking price of 1.6M down to 350K. So back on board for packing followed by Pasta El Oro (with tinned, rather than the typical fresh Tuna!). Andy and I enjoyed a sunset/end of trip whiskey in the cockpit while another movie was consumed below.
Dropped all onto the wharf this morning as the taxi driver turned up - always a reassuring sign! Zac went into town to practice Bahasa and get a few essential items (well, mostly smokes) for our long passage ahead. Pulled anchor and head south.
This is likely last contact with a cell tower, so future blogs may be less regular via the Sat Ph. Plan to head straight out to sea for a day or two to get firmly into the trade winds and make a better angle for sailing to Bali...