Gili T to Komodo

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 14 Jun 2011 11:50
Overnight from Gili
Trawangan to arrive at Moyo Island at sunrise.
Ocassional periods
of good sailing through the night, when the wind not shadowed by the Ranjani
Range of Lombok. Rough going at times, guests mostly unhappy and can't sleep
because their beds were moving!!!
Moyo Is is home of
the Amanwana Tent Resort, some rich and famous guest arrived by seaplane while
we were at anchor. Guests went ashore and received comprehensive tour of the
resort, photographed themselves inside the tents etc. Moyo Is very lush jungle,
we anchored close in off a small village, very deep right up to the reef making
finding suitable anchoring depth and distance off difficult. Not great
protection form most winds and swells, so overall night a great anchorage.
Snorkelling was fairly ordinary according to our guests.
Depart late
afternoon for another overnight to the Komodo region.