Sailing & Sun

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Mon 4 Nov 2013 10:55
1018z 04/11
After a few days of mediocre progress slowly motoring to conserve fuel,
the wind returned yesterday for a good day's sailing. Still very cold
and drizzling all day and night. The wind died again through the night
and started shifting so we drifted along with just the mains up until
sunrise when a near cloudless sky and light tail wind convinced us to
get rid of the triple reefed main and pull up the kite. Now with kite
and mizzen main we're making decent progress in more-or-less the right
direction and drying out and warming up.
Otherwise not much exciting happening, daily foredeck training sessions
with Robbo and Ryan and with Jed making an occasional guest appearance.
Julie spending half the day deciding what bread to make, then the other
half making it, before repeating the process again for dinner.
Had the second meal from the albacore tuna last night, now back to
tinned fish unless we score again today. Chances are getting slimmer as
we run out of lures. A few lost due to freight train fish heading north,
but mostly lost due to bad crimping of swages on traces and even worse
knots. I've decided for a few of the fishing crew that being smarter
than the fish is not the start - first they need to learn to be smarter
than the lure!
Only a few days left, if we get the forecast 20kn from the SW we'll have
a fast broad reach into the much longed for Port.