Just Sailing

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 4 Dec 2013 00:43
2310z 03/12
Conditions remained the same yesterday for close hauled sailing in the
15kn NNE breeze. Seas still slight so fast and flat sailing at 8-9kn
just E of N. On sunrise this morning the wind is showing signs of its
expected shift to the NW which should give us fast reaching conditions
towards the smaller and warmer latitudes. Nights still very cold but the
sun during the day getting noticeably warmer with occasional shirts-off
opportunities to prepare the tans for the Equatorial climate ahead.
Apart from getting low on a few vital items (butter, nuts, olive oil and
as usual - fuel and smokes) there's not much more to report. Really the
only "Stop the Press" news is that Kay has joined in on Robbo and Ryan's
daily sado-masochistic workout sessions with some stretches, situps and
air cycling. This has made Rod and my conveniently timed arvo watch
duties far more strenuous as we contemplate whether we should have our
second (and last) beer for the day then, or wait for a sunset G&T with
the sashimi platter ...