Lay Day

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 18 Oct 2013 05:22
0450z 18/10
Mostly same conditions again for the day. Variable from ESE to SE and
12-20kn. Bit stronger in the morning had us peaking at 9.5kn but too
rough for a comfortable ride so furled the genny and sailed most of teh
morning with staysail, reefed main and still a small amount of mizzen.
Currently doing well with both jibs, same main and mizzen headig SSE at
7.5kn. Unfortunatley the Easterly hasn't set in yet so still heading
more S than desired, but at least not heading W anymore!
A lazy day on board, the working crew have done a few days straight i
the bilges so mostly louging around on deck workig on tans and reading
books. Jed lay on the centre cockpit cushion without movig from dawn to
dusk reading something from his laptop (or maybe just glazing at his
wifi signal indicator?). Robbo absorbed enough sun to last him several
weeks, he'll be glowing inn the dark for a while yet. Ryan read from a
paper book most of the day - I didn't kow they taught the newer
generations how to work such old-school devices. Rob and Julie enjoyed
the sailing from the aft cockpit where I think they did a lot of hand
steering just for the hell of ot.
HAL behaved itself today with no more random shutdowns or crazy Ivans,
finger's crossed it'll see us through to Cape Town without loosing its
temper again.
We did trawl again today as our speed was down for a while while the
genoa was furled - but no luck [Mmmm don't believe I've ever managed to
put a double while in a sentence before]. Actually also haven't seen
dolphins or whales for days now. Usually see dolphins every day and
whales every few days. A couple of ganets have been following us for
several days, diving on the flying fish that our plowing disturb into
flight. Entertaining last night, with the full moon as a backdrop
watching them try to land on the mast heads or spreaders.They tried all
night without luck, probbaly wore themselves out and are sleeping on the
ocean now as shark bait. (Have't seen them today).