Last Night

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sun 11 Sep 2011 15:21
00°57.7219N 104°11.7502E
Sun 11/9/11
Been motoring
the last day or so up through the Raui Island group south of Batam and Bintang.
Now between these two islands motoring against quite a strong current and
retracing our course from earlier in the year when El Oro participated in the
inagural Neptune Equature Race.
Now only a few
hrs from the Malacca Strait. Have decided to drop anchor for the night so I can
get some sleep and we can do the Strait crossing and SIngapore approach during
the day. Within minutes of the pick touching down we were hit by an intense
squall, 20-30kn and blinding rain. Would not have been fun if at the wheel
underway - far more fun with a G&T hiding in the comfort of the
ETA Sing,
tomorrow just after lunch. Beers in the pool at Raffles in the