More Fish!

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 13 May 2011 21:26
08°56.82S 113°38.33E
Another windless day
- 2-4kn from the East.
were the fish. A 1 hr fight with a monstor 15kg Mahi Mahi ended up with two
fridge drawers full of fresh meat.
A short while
later another Marlin was hooked. Seen leaping and slapping the water to free the
hook, it broke the line shortly after. That's three MArlins hooked in less than
a month with none of them reeled in even an inch or two - time to upgrade the
fishing rigs!
Late afternoon
some breeze appeared (6-8kn) - on the nose of course - but we pulled up all
the rags to rest the engines and started tacking along the coast. Arrival time
likely to be Sunday morning now.