Anchor! Sumatra

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 25 May 2012 22:00
05°37.8920', 095°29.9246'
Nice combination of
sailing, motoring, squalls sailing back up the coast to Banda Aceh. One
particuklar heavy squall stayed with us for several hours with moderate winds
and blinding rain. Gave everything a good wash down after the salt spray
blasting the last 2 days.
Found good anchorage
depth after dark just outside port which seemed quite protected. Settled in for
a decent several hours sleep after none for last 2 days. Just as we fell asleep
the anchor drag alarm went off and we were hit by a 25-30kn squall. So hove too
under poles and an engine a few miles outside the port and severral miles from
land. After the storm passed it was just before sunrise so decided to move on
and check for a more protected anchorage - which we didn't find, so heading N to
Sabang on Pulau We where there IS a very good anchorage and we can do all the
Indoensian clearance formalities there too.