200 miles per day

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sun 6 Oct 2013 10:46
0950 6/10
Great progress last 24hrs. Wind consistently NE, 12-15 kn yesterday and
20-22 kn overnight.
Broad reaching with 2 mains and the big red kite during the day
averaging over 8.5 kn, but swapped the kite for the genoa at sunset to
average around 8 kn overnight.
Although sailing fast, the confused seas with no well defined swell has
made for quite an uncomfortable night with much rolling and yawing. If
it stays too strong for the kite today we'll try polling out the jib to
windward to see if that helps the rolling.
Another solid day of hard-core fishing saw only another small Mahi Mahi
turned into a sashimi platter. But at 9kn even that small fish was
difficult to reel in, so perhaps anything larger would just be
sacrificing a lure. Lucky for us Julie can cook up all things that
aren't fish, so we're still eating well. Actually very well - as she's a
vegetarian, the meals are heavily weighted towards "good-for-you".
A few other odd jobs, but mostly the day was spent enjoying the weather
and the sailing and, apart from a brief whale sighting, talking about
catching big fish.