6000 miles

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 1 Nov 2013 04:47
0427z 01/11
Lost the wind yesterday afternoon as forecast, motor sailing at around
7kn overnight to the SE and our destination in calm seas and mild, but
cold, weather.
Apart from passing the 6000 mile milestone and still not having any rum
left to celebrate with, not much else to report.
Still no fish, although more and more birds. No more HAL messing with
us. Fuel looks good (the calmer conditions likely settling the sludge in
readiness to reappear later). An afternoon foredeck exercise session -
which surprisingly the Passenger managed to get off his back and attend.
Just over 1000 miles to go, expect to get into a stronger SE wind within
the next 24 hrs which should remain with us for the final few days for a
fast close reach to land...