Sth Riau Islands

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 3 Feb 2012 17:45
00:36.05N 104:32.79E
3/3 1745LT
Approaching the Sthn end of the Riau Island group
where we'll be racing next week, thunderstorms getting more dramatic and several
waterspouts trying to form in the distance.
A bit too much motoring last few days and with head winds likely up the strait between Batam and Bintan there'll be more motoring ahead. Fuel low but should hold if current not too unfriendly.
A bit too much motoring last few days and with head winds likely up the strait between Batam and Bintan there'll be more motoring ahead. Fuel low but should hold if current not too unfriendly.