Hong Kong!

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 12 Oct 2011 11:13
Wed 12/10
Arrived Hong Kong Island and dropped anchor on S side
in Tai Tam Bay right on sunset. Not quite enough time to get to N side of island
and park in Causeway Bay in the daytime. The mooring layout has changed
there so last year's "local knowledge" wouldn't have served me with an
after-dark arrival.
Terrific final leg overnight and today with the
expected 15-20kn trades blasting us along at speeds often in excess of
11kn, and sustained periods over 10kn. Full rig up (jib and two mains) on a
broadreach are hard conditions to beat! Hoping these winds - perhaps a
little stronger - will join us for the race to Vietnam starting on the 18th.
With our IRC rating, the TP52's had better perform! Certainly we'll have a
better ride of it - cappuccinos, hot showers, cooked meals, dry beds - all the
necessities of ocean sailing/racing missing on modern race
Was fairly confident I got the navigation right as the
pigeon stayed with us the whole way here - figured if it trusted my sense of
direction then I couldn't be far wrong...
Next entry will be after race start, probably the 19th.
Thanks to all for sailing along with us, and your emails of encouragment, good
wishes (and some envy).