
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sun 17 Jun 2012 17:07
17/6 2345
Winds have increased to mostly 14-18kn, and still headwinds. GRIB
data seems to be being referred to now so winds are blowing exactly as
Not particularly gentlemanly this trip with 1000+ miles upwind, but
at least we don't tack too often, but definately not the funest way to use
Trade Winds!
There is a regular diurnal wind shift of about 20 deg which, now that
we have the oscillation timed, is being used to good advantage and allowing us
to time our tacks (2 per 24hrs) and improve our beating
Middle of last night we tacked in close to the E side of the Sunda
Straight (between Sumatra and Java - the home of the active volcano Krakatoa)
and was plunged into a very strong band of wind steady at 18-20kn. The seas also
picked up and became more confused. We charged along with geny and mizzen and
main with 1 reef. Around 1am the jib sheet exploded (18mm braided poly!).
After furling the wildy flogging rag with difficulty (because the furling line
also broke so had to be patched on the foredeck and re-routed to a winch in the
cockpit), we calmed down somewhat and sailed the remainder of the night with
just the mains. Not bad considering both are not at their peak and neither are
they upwind sails, yet we managed an apparent angle approaching 50 deg and
speeds averaging 4-5kn. Certainly the ride more comfortable as we no longer
doing speeds that try to launch a 40 ton brick into space off every
This morning set the No 1 staysail, Which is a quite nice and
still new, buff coloured yankee cut jib. Being new it's still very flat and is
performing well giving us a much higher sailing angle than with the geny, and
only a knot or so slower. VMG probably similar and the ride far more comfortable
as still not doing the warp speeds that we were with the
Expecting similar winds for next three days, so yankee staysail,
reefed main and full mizzen are a comfortable and efficient combination for
these conditions.