KK to HK

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Wed 5 Oct 2011 06:35
Wed 5/10
departed Kota Kinabalu for non-stop to Hong Kong.
Left a few
days late due to various reasons, so will have to keep our average up for the
next week which means more motoring if the wind's not right. So far forecast
appears clear of Typhoons ahead. A bit of a double-edged sword that. When
Typhoons are a safe distance off, we get great winds for passage making, but
then always a bit of an uneasy feeling being within a few hundred miles of such
a storm! These days our communication and weather reporting is so good that it
is unlikely such a storm could pose a real threat to
A few last
details taken care of this morning, such as doubling the amount of chicken and
rice onboard (the Burmese would mutiny if we ran out of this), and cleaning the
hull for the race - a nicer job here in Borneo's pristine waters than in
Victoria Hbr, Hong Kong surrounded by the outflow from a billion