Passage Making @ 10kn

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 10 Dec 2013 01:08
0040z 10/12
More of the same as we charge NE to Bali averaging around 9.5 kn for the
past 4 days. 15-20kn SE winds and daily runs of up to 234 miles, and a 3
day run of 680 miles has put our 15th Dec arrival time back on the
agenda. Although the last couple of days before arrival and last couple
of hundred miles will be the deciding factor. With lighter, fluky winds
expected once closer to land, and not enough fuel remaining for any long
and fast motoring runs, we'll be firmly in Huey's hands as we close the
Apart from our usual issues - bad fuel, generator problems, electrical
visits from HAL, loss of LPG pressure, etc - what've just become normal
daily routine and hardly noteworthy anymore, there's not too much more
going on. Perfect sunshine and warmer weather has us playing the
nautical equivalent of strip poker as we shed a layer of clothing per
day. Yesterday was 30°C under the dodger and reached 27° on deck and
water temperature climbed to 24°.
A noteworthy, and nip worthy occasion was almost missed over night as we
crossed the Tropic of Capricorn. Rod's always on the ball fortunately
and takes great care that no milestone passes unnoticed. The growing
number and variety of Club and Cabinet meetings continue. The Kitchen
Cabinet (with the Galley generally referred to as the G-Spot) is mostly
a closed affair with Kay and Robbo and sometimes Ryan, but any hecklers
in the crowd are firmly shushed and ignored. The foredeck gym has been
deemed unsuitable for the daily workouts, although Robbo sits up there
to have his daily salt water spray shower. Ryan's and Robbo's (with
occasional guest appearance by Kay) PT sessions are now mostly held in
the centre cockpit, which is far more convenient for Rod and myself as
that's also where the beer fridge is so we are much more quickly
serviced when Ryan sees our energetic nodding and waving for our refill.
I don't get to see Lucian too much as we alternate our 6-hourly watches
and pass in the night for a coffee and smoke, or pass the baton at
midday usually in the engine room as scrubbing or bleeding continues.
With the generator still playing up we haven't too much fresh water left
so most consumption has been changed to salt water. Fuel as mentioned is
also in short supply, and butter, olive oil and peanuts are heavily
rationed. Fortunately with the discovery of some hidden 3-in-1 and a
carton of cigarettes, I'll be set for several more weeks if we have to
sit and drift while we wait for wind if we get becalmed.