
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Tue 26 Nov 2013 23:30
2320z 26/11
Started with another solid day passage making with more of the same from
the previous few days. Averaging around 220 miles per day lately with
15-20kn reaching winds from the S and very little swell. Then yesterday
as predicted by the GRIBs the wind eased off gradually until we had to
wrap the sails and start the engine while the current system passed by
us and wait for the wind to kick back in from the NW which it is just
starting to hint at while I write.
Waking up a year older but only a day wiser I was not aware that any of
the crew were party to my birth date. The crew obviously couldn't think
of anything better to do (I'm sure there was still stuff to fix or clean
in the bilge) than blow up pink balloons and decorate the saloon. A
whole day of festivities had been schemed and implemented, mostly
revolving around food. Anyway a very thoughtful and much appreciated
diversion from usual day by day shipboard duties on a magic sailing day
with mostly clear skies and good winds enhanced by Lucian's breakfast
pancakes, and the team-effort full lunch spread, followed by Kay's and
Robbo's perfectly cooked steak and spuds for dinner and a
Cottee-construction-cake thing covered with flammable material and
accompanied by bad singing for desert.
Expecting to be sailing again sometime before dawn and back on port tack
until the wind swings back to the S. There's a correction to be made to
our 239 miles in a day from a previous blog, it was actually 249 miles.
If the pilot charts are still to be relied on there's a good chance we
could beat this quite astonishing daily run record as we bend N closer
to the Aus W coast.
The albatross are still ever present with a couple of Sooties now
joining the Wanderers. At times there's a dozen or so gliding around us.
I think sometime you can never tire of watching.