Day 4

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Fri 6 May 2011 20:34
An uneventful
day. Still no fish.
Day started
promising with a good breeze until midday, unfortunately still too much on the
nose so wasn't as helpful as it could've been! If these wind directions stay the
same for the return trip it'll be a different story!
Alfredo and
Man still not quite got their sea legs and spending much time in their bunks,
Steve finished the Kiefer Sutherland "24" series today so we're not sure what
he's going to do with his time now with no more to fill this
Forecast is
for very light winds from in front for tomorrow, so looks like it'll be motoring
the rest of the way. Equation not looking promosing for a daylight arrival on
Sat evening, so will likely slow down and aim for sunrise Sunday morning. Which
means probably spend Sunday at the Quarantine mooring waiting for Mon office
hours before clearing.