Final? Day

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Sun 27 Nov 2011 18:27
06°49.4047S 113°56.26278E
No blog yesterday because progress was too depressing.
Although we did have a wonderful afternoon sailing on a fine reach through most
of Sat afternoon, it was about 20deg off course and into 3kn head current. Most
of the last 2-3 days has been into strong head winds and contrary currents. A
small steep wind chop also helped to slow progress. Running quite low on fuel as
have been motoring virtually the enitre way, so doing regular
fuel/distance/time/speed calculations and the result being we've not had enough
fuel to charge on both engines to get our speed and progress
Appears we'll open our reserve tank sometime during
today and should arrive with 100L to spare!
Otherwise, weather has been fine, plenty of rice keeps
the crew's fuel cells recharged so they can keep sanding and
Off the NE tip of Java now (the island of Madura)
motor-sailing at 4.5kn into an 8kn head wind. We'll round the corner in a couple
of hours and expect a better wind angle to sail towards the top of Lombok
to the SE. Providing not too much contrary current in the Lombok Strait,
we'll arrive at Gili Trawangan around midnight tomorrow