Dawn Day 3

Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Thu 24 Nov 2011 06:18
24/11 0600LT
Dawn's just joined us for the day. Seem to be sailing (well, motoring)
in a large swimming pool. Yesterday was also a millpond with less than
2kn of wind, today looks like a repeat. George 2 (our new Cadet onboard)
was somewhat green most of yesterday, so figure he'll get quite sick if
we find some rough water! Our usual remedy is to mention that we do have
seasick medicine - rubber gloves and suppositories. (Amazing how quickly
that idea can cure seasickness!)
Yesterday spent sanding, polishing and varnishing, and further freezer
Otherwise not much happening and waiting for some sashima to jump
Just under 4 days remaining if we have to maintain this motoring speed,
be quicker if we get some wind to sail in. Looking forward to a belated
birthday drink (likely more than one) with my sister Linda who lives in
Bali and has built a couple of the most magnificent villa's on the