
Digiboat's "Product Testing"
Simon Blundell
Mon 21 Mar 2011 12:27
Currently anchored
off Kuta, Lombok awaiting tomorrows predicted increase in swell. Steve,
Peter, & Fraser are just back from the first run to shore since
leaving Gili and have come back with large bunches of green bannanas,
pinapples, and chocolate bars....
So far the surfing
has been good, but a little on the small side. Friday was spent surfing a
small right hander off Gilli - Fraser had some fun while Wylie & Troy
stuggled with the waist high reef break.
After receiving our
necessary ships papers and our guide Steve on Saturday morning we motored
south past Desert Point and around onto the south coast of Lomok. Desert
point wasn't working so we carried on to Belongas Bay where we found several
breaks both wild and tame. While Wylie, Troy & Fraser surfed the left
from hell right up against the rock point, I surfed a wee point break deep in
the bay. But the pick of the bay was an A frame off the beach at the east
end of the bay with a deep gutter just off to the side which allowed access for
the best photos of the trip so far. Sunday was spent surfing this and at
the end of the day all shoulders were burnt and sore - but nothing an ice cold
gin & tonic couldnt cure..
After an early
session on the A-frame on Monday morning we set out for surf points
east. We circled the bay at Mawi but decided to carry on
to Kuta for a bigger selection of breaks once the swell starts to kick
Plan now is to have
a look at the breaks here tomorrow first thing, if conditions look good we will
surf here in the morning, but likely will head around the point to Ekas where
there are even more options.
Scenery, surf, and
life on the boat is all spectacular - hard to belive we are almost half way
through the trip.