Arrived in Panama - Yipyyyyyyyy

Jan Morten Ruud
Sun 24 Jan 2010 17:04

Position:  09:22.035N, 79:57.019W


Dear Readers,


As you might have seen from the two last posts, we had some rough weather on the route to Panama. We were not unprepared for this since the Columbian cost is ranged as the worst coast in Caribbean and as the fifth worst coast to sail in the world. The reason is an constant area of low pressure in the Columbian mountains and rainforests. But, when you finally arrives at your destination – Panama in our case – what a thrill and enjoyment that fills all of the crew (and the captain). A famous Norwegian singer, which also is a sailor, once said: “it is all the spots on the edges of the oceans that are the most interesting”. We couldn’t agree more, here finally arrived in Panama.


Again the arrival was most welcoming, with other World ARC participants waving from their boats, and by now the well recognized yellow polo shirt waiting at the doc her in Shelter Bay.


After secured Ronja to the pontoon, the kids jumped the ship and went directly to swimming pool. We others got an update from World ARC on the schedule for passing through the Panama canal, everything is in good order and we are ready to go on January the 27th.


After a nice cold bear and hamburger at the marina restaurant, all of us where ready to hit the bunks. And do we have a busy day tomorrow. We will go and have a look at the looks in the Panama canal, to view the wonders of this canal in calm and quiet (we are told that we will not have the same time to look around when we are in the looks our self). And Ronja needs a complete wash down after the week sailing the Columbian coast.


That’s all for now from Ronja,


Nice dreams ….