
42:14.50N 08:43.40W We left Camarinas in the driving rain &
thunder, as we
thought it looked a little clearer out to sea. Coming out of the
marina we were
followed by another 2 yachts; as a 2-man crew, who seem to
overtake everyone
(see footage of Aardvarc
racing forth on
Facebook), I think we are pace-setting for some of the bigger
we soon left them behind….again!
So….more interesting weather; got soaked
leaving the marina
& as the rain dried up the fog got worse.
As with most days we start with a 40-50mile
trip planned
& then stick another 20-30miles on for good measure (??) today
was no different;
our original plan of sailing halfway to Baiona/Vigo was changed to
sailing all
the way there once the fog had cleared….changed to sailing to Ria
de Pontevedra
on the north of the river to avoid the shipping lanes when the fog
came back,
to sailing to Vigo once the fog had cleared again! One of the
reasons for our
decision was the amazing radar (& AIS)… picks up
everything in the poor
visibility & made us really comfortable about carrying on. See
the photo of
the huge tanker (& the giant blob on the radar) that appeared
out of the
mist…..but we knew it was coming!
So….into Puerto Deportivo, Vigo – with a day to
relax before
Nick’s arrival this evening! This relaxing day began with
stressing about the
wifi, more stressing about undelivered mail & cleaning the
boat inside
& out! However, we followed this up with a lovely swim in the
marina pool….a
good 50 lengths definitely clears the mind, although not sure
about the
horrible swimming hats we were required to wear! Off to Corte Ingles for provisions (jamon &
more gin)
& now we’re back waiting for Nick’s arrival – when the
terrible 2 become
the troublesome 3……should be a good week! Sailor V (H) |