
Journeys of Aardvarc
Thu 19 Mar 2009 15:36
position 12:02.7N 061:45.0W
We arrived in Grenada on 13th March 2009. Very
strange to be back in the Caribbean.
For this leg we were joined by Andy, who has
entertained us on passage from Recife, with his collection of joke glasses and
teeth, Halloween masks, pretend snakes ( very realistic!) and his infamous
raspberry machine.
In Grenada Andrew and Alison came on board for
the next and final leg to St Lucia.
Grenada is very colourful. less crowded than St
Lucia, and a very friendly island.
The market has fish and fruit, and we were able
to buy bright green shirts for St Patrick's day party on 17th.
The locals fish with long nets on the beach and
sadly caught a turtle in the net. I hope the man was taking it to let it go but
maybe not.....
The place we stopped for lunch had very
interesting gardens, and in order you can see an Almond tree, a Calabash tree
with football sized fruits and yellow flowers. The big old tree in the middle is
On the way back we saw this creature like a
large stoat in the road...anybody know what it is?