Sega dancing.

Journeys of Aardvarc
Sun 19 Oct 2008 10:11
In Mauritius there is a long tradition of colourful dancing with special
Sega dresses that dates back to the slave era. The British tried to
suppress this and made it illegal when they ruled here so the locals would
secretly meet on a beach under a full moon and dance the night away.
Now it has become a great local event and we were
lucky enough to be able to arrange for some dancers to perform at the barbeque.
( which incidently we rather proudly called the "Grand Sega
For the first part of the evening we just had the
music and then the dancers ( having been fed onboard "Into the Blue" and changed
into their dresses) appeared on the quay to do their thing.
Also there was a little audience
All in all the best World Arc Party