Bora Bora boat trip

Journeys of Aardvarc
Sun 25 May 2008 20:29
We edecided to go on a tour of the island by local boat and were taken
round by Jay who serenaded us on his string instrument.
Once again we had the chance to swim with reef sharks ( they are very
gentle, honest!).
Next we went to see sting rays. These are so tame,
Jay fed them with little fish and they are like his pets. He comes out most days
with food for them. Buit they are not enclosed and are free to roam the lagoon
and open sea.
In the water with them they nudge you to try and
encourage you to give them fish.
It is a very strange sensation, their skin is very
smooth. They have no teeth but can give you a strong suck with their mouths so
you have to keep your fingers away nfrom their mouths in case they mistake them
for little fish!
An unforgetable experience.