Journy to Rio Paraguacu

Journeys of Aardvarc
Sun 22 Feb 2009 14:47
We crossed the Bay of All Saints.....Baia de
Todos os Santos... and found a delightful backwater where we anchored off a
small village.
Unfortunately the anchor stuck in the mud and
the chain link broke close to the anchor. We spend a day diving to try to
recover it but visibility was zero and scratching around in thick mud at 8
metres down is not the most pleasant of occupations, especially when there are
crabs sharing your environment!!
On a happier note Diana fell on the steps from
the jetty, no harm done but she lost here sun glasses that promptly sank, again
in thick muddy waters.
Back on the boat 10 minutes later some local
lads appeared swimming with big smiley faces and Diana's sunglasses
clutched proudly... a great moment...